
January 29 Daily Devotional

Suffering Unites to God

Frans Bakker

Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.—John 11:3

Bible Reading

John 11:1–8


The Lord Jesus was urgently requested to come and heal Lazarus, the one “whom thou lovest.” But the Lord Jesus remained where He was for two days. It seems puzzling that the Lord did this. Why did He let the one He loved suffer so long? Sometimes the Lord allows His people to experience trials or sufferings to bring glory to His Name.

Even though God’s people suffer they are still under His love, for God chastises His people to let them bring forth fruit. During chastisement God’s love may seem hidden, but it is still a deep and profound reality.

Can we say that all sickness and suffering are caused by God’s love? The question is difficult but what we may say with accuracy is that every affliction is a divine call to repentance. It is intended to lead a person to God. But if one does not notice this knock on the door of his heart, then the affliction will only harden him.

The question still remains: “How can you know if your suffering is because of God’s love?” That is a most pressing question and weighs upon us as we are under affliction. This question can be heavier than the affliction itself. The fact that Lazarus was ill was not the worst thing that Mary and Martha experienced. The worst affliction was their questioning of God’s love. Why does God allow bad things to happen?

One can answer that question by considering the effect suffering has. By looking at the fruit in one’s life, one can determine whether God is chastising by love or not. When God smites in His favor, a fruit will be left behind in the heart. That fruit is not only showing submission to God’s ways but establishes a sweet bond between that person and the Lord. It is a communion with God that transcends suffering and teaches those who suffer to look away from self to the Lord.

God’s love works love in return. How great must this reciprocal love have been in that family of Bethany, when it became clear that Christ had led all these events to glorify His love? In like manner, all suffering will unite us to God. We encounter a God who may not cause the storms to cease, but who maintains His people by His power. In this way His people receive the deepest impression of who and what the Lord is for them.


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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