
September 21 Daily Devotional

Having No Rights Before God

Frans Bakker

Then came the daughters of Zelophehad.... And they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest ... saying ... Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our father. —Numbers 27:1-4

Bible Reading

Numbers 27:1–5


Israel was on a journey. We, too, are on a journey. And at the end of the way lies the land of rest, heavenly Canaan. Many mansions are there for the pilgrims who will come home weary from the journey. All of them will receive an eternal heritage there, even the least. The great question for us is, “Is there also a place there for me?” If you have not wrestled with this question you are on the way to the place of eternal unrest.

The five daughters of Zelophehad were not at ease. But there are many today who are at ease in Zion! They reason that they are secure in the covenant, but they have never learned that, by virtue of their birth, they are outside of the kingdom. Others give themselves false rest by adhering to the truth that they cannot earn salvation. They must be one of the elect, and salvation is a one-sided work of God. In this way the deceitful heart can put the flesh at ease with the truth.

But when our lost condition really becomes a burden to us, we can never give up. We will still try everything, even though we are like one drowning in the ocean. That is what happens when you are under spiritual conviction. That is how matters were with these daughters. There they stood before Moses and Eleazar. They had everything against them. The law of Moses was even against them, for in the law there was no place for an inheritance for daughters. And did Moses not receive these statutes from the Lord? They also had their father against them, for although they might say that their father had no part in the rebellion of Korah, yet they had to say that he died in his own sin. He belonged to the murmuring people.

What was the pleading ground for these who were without rights? They asked for everything—for a place with God—but they had nothing to offer. O daughters of Zelophehad, how did you dare ask for everything, while you could demand nothing? You could not break the law, and certainly not the Law of God. Besides, your birth was against you, because your father died in his sin.

But they had a “holy boldness.” They ventured to come before God in a holy manner. All those who wrestle at God’s throne know of this. On the one hand they must say, “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof ” (Luke. 7:6). On the other hand they say with Jacob, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me” (Gen. 32:26).

Do you also know this? It is a matter of either death or life. Seek God, my friend, with holy importunity. It is indeed a blessing in our life if we can no longer stand to be away from God. Such a one is in agreement to God’s Word, for Christ Himself said, “The violent take it [the kingdom of heaven] by force” (Matt. 11:12).


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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