
May 31 Today in OPC History

Travel Fund



On this day in 1952, Orthodox Presbyterian congregations were responding to a plea for financial support of the Travel Fund for the Nineteenth General Assembly in Denver, Colorado. The Rev. Robert Atwell, member of the Assembly Travel Fund Committee, reported that an average of .75 cents per communicant member was needed to meet expected travel cost applications. With only two months remaining before the start of the Assembly on July 10, less than $400 had been received.

Churches across the OPC responded graciously to the plea as the final report of the Travel Fund Committee on July 14 indicated. The report read:

"The Committee has received vouchers for travel compensation from forty commissioners and has at its disposal $2,175.88, including the offering of $39.51, which it proposes to disburse as follows: $6.00 for mailing; 2 cents per mile for all mileage claimed beyond 600 miles round trip and 1 cent for all mileage beyond 1,541 miles round trip."

Homepage picture: Robert Atwell

Picture: Robert Atwell and Alice Roeber, Westfield, NJ



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