
January 2 Today in OPC History

Propagation of the Reformed Faith in New England



On January 2, 1939, a “Week of Prayer” began at Second Parish Presbyterian Church of Portland, Maine under the leadership of the Committee for the Propagation of the Reformed Faith in New England. Pastor John Skilton of Second Parish Church was joined by the Reverends Daniel Van Houte, Dean Adair, Lawrence Eyres, and Mr. Martin J. Bohn as special sermons and evangelistic presentations were put forth.

The Committee for the Propagation of the Reformed Faith in New England had sent John Murray, its chairman, and eight other men to New England in the summer of 1936 combining preaching with house visitation. Encouraged by the results, the Committee sent annual teams to New England in the late 1930s. Murray commented, “We wish we had sufficient funds and men so that we could send a hundred. Even then we should only be touching the fringe of the need in this greatly unevangelized field. A great door and effectual way is opened unto us. We pray for consecration in ourselves. We pray for the same in the men who will be sent, and for the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon them. May they, in true apostolic fashion, turn that world upside down!”

Picture: Lawrence Eyres



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