A Sample Sessional Calling Record

David Winslow

Extracted from Ordained Servant vol. 7, no. 2 (Apr. 1998), pp. 29-31

On the following pages you will find the Sessional Calling Record sheet used by our ruling elders when they are doing home visits. You are free to copy it for your own session’s use if you think that it will prove helpful. Perhaps your session could discuss it, comparing it to the one you use now and make improvements.

Why use a written sheet with questions and spaces for answers? Couldn’t this questionnaire lead to a rather wooden approach to home visits? My answer is that it can serve as a very helpful guide, but that it shouldn’t be used slavishly. At the same time it can serve to bring a conversation back on course when it has gotten far afield from the purpose of the visit. It also forces the elders to ask questions that they might prefer just to slide by and avoid. I do not recommend reading the questions and writing the answers during the visit.

My approach is to have the Calling Record on my lap so that I can occasionally glance at it. I will only write down something that seems extremely important to note immediately. After the visit is over and I am in the car or at home I fill in the answers to the questions that were covered and add extra comments. After all, this is supposed to be a conversation not an examination.

Since our goal in doing Home Visits is to help the lambs of the flock see their lives hidden in Christ, our Good Shepherd; to encourage them to follow Him in the obedience of faith, we don’t want visits to turn into a time to criticize the pastor. The question is not “Do you like the pastor’s preaching?” but “Are you understanding it?” and “Do you see that you are growing spiritually through it?” Of course, these do allow for negative remarks but also for clarification as to where the problem lies, and follow-up questions can help members learn how to get more from the sermons. My pastor reminds us that we are his “eyes and ears” in the congregation so even negative reviews about his preaching need to be carefully evaluated in session meetings.

Do you involve your deacons in Home Visits? If so you’ll find that there are a number of questions that could be delegated to them. In any event decide with your calling partner, elder or deacon, who is going to handle what portion of the visit responsibilities. In a future article we hope to deal with one of the number one problems that you find in your home visits: the disrepair of family devotions.

Until then may Godly richly bless you in your care of the flock.

David Winslow, Ruling Elder
Garden Grove OPC

Sessional Calling Record

Family Name:



Adult Members of family present:

Names and ages of children:

Bible passage read:



1) Do they attend regularly? AM___ PM___

If not, why?

2) How do they view the service? Any special problems? Any changes desired?

3) Are they understanding the preaching? Are they growing spiritually through it?

4) Are there special needs that could be met by sermons on particular topics?

5) Do they prepare for worship? Do they know how to get the most out of a sermon?

6) Are they endeavoring to keep the Lord’s Day holy?

If so: how?

7) Do they practice biblical giving?


1) Do they attend Sunday School? If not why not?

Is there a topic they would like to see covered?

2) Family and private devotions, what is their practice? Do they need help or materials?

3) Are the children being catechized?

4) Do they attend Prayer Meeting or other mid-week Bibles studies?

5) Any special health concerns?

6) Finances in order?

7) Family relations? Marital relations?

8) Do the children attend Christian school? If not, is there a desire for this?

9) What spiritual needs do they see in their lives?

How could the church assist them with these needs?


1) Would they help with survey calling or other outreach efforts?

2) Have they invited neighbors or friends to church?

3) Do they practice hospitality as a means of reaching people?

4) Do they bear witness for Christ at their place of work?


1) What gifts do they have that can be used in the life of the church?

2) Would they like opportunities and training?




David Winslow is a ruling elder at Garden Grove OPC in California and former moderator of the OPC General Assembly.