Original Trinity Hymnal, #47
Psalm 5
O Jehovah, hear my words,
To my thoughts attentive be;
Hear my cry, my King, my God,
I will make my prayer to thee.
With the morning light, O Lord,
Thou shalt hear my voice arise,
And expectant I will bring
Prayer as morning sacrifice.
Thou, Jehovah, art a God
Who delightest not in sin;
Evil shall not dwell with thee,
Nor the proud thy favor win.
Evil doers thou dost hate,
Lying tongues thou wilt defeat;
God abhors the man who loves
Violence and base deceit.
In the fulness of thy grace
To thy house I will repair;
Bowing toward thy holy place,
In thy fear to worship there.
Lead me in thy righteousness,
Let my foes assail in vain;
Lest my feet be turned aside,
Make thy way before me plain.
False and faithless are my foes,
In their mouth no truth is found;
Deadly are the words they speak,
All their thoughts with sin abound.
Bring, O God, their plans to naught,
Hold them guilty in thy sight,
For against thee and thy law
They have set themselves to fight.
O let all that trust thy care
Ever glad and joyful be;
Let them joy who love thy name,
Safely guarded, Lord, by thee.
For a blessing from thy store
To the righteous thou wilt yield;
Thou wilt compass him about
With thy favor as a shield.