
February 1 Today in OPC History

Regional Ramblings of the Presbytery of the Dakotas



On this date in 1981, the February issue of "Regional Ramblings" of the Presbytery of the Dakotas was made available. Among the major news items that captivated the readers was the exciting report of Pastor David Kiester of Bethel OPC in Carson, North Dakota, and Ruling Elder Ron VandenBurg of the OPC in Lark, North Dakota, in Carson, North Dakota, trying to catch a loose calf. With Mr. VandenBurg driving, Mr. Kiester leaped from the pickup truck and attempted to bulldog the calf. At the same time, Mr. VandenBurg turned sharply and ran over Pastor Kiester's leg. Thankfully, Mr. Kiester was not hurt and the calf was secured.

Picture: David Kiester in 1981



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