The Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) sponsored its fourth Presbytery Diaconal Summit (PDS IV) on Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11, 2019 in Geneva, Illinois.
This summit is generally held every two years, and is designed specifically for members of Presbytery Diaconal Committees (PDC). In 2019, including speakers, there were 37 men in attendance, representing twelve presbyteries in the OPC.
The program began with dinner at 5:00 pm on Thursday, followed by a devotional led by CDM President, Rev. Nathan Trice, and a presentation on "PDCs Serving our Presbyteries" by CDM Administrator, David Nakhla.
On Friday morning, Rev. Lendall Smith and Greg De Jong presented an "Introduction to the Committee on Ministerial Care," and CDM Member Mike Di Peppino spoke on "PDCs Serving our Congregations." On Friday afternoon, CDM Member Chris Sudlow spoke on "PDCs Serving our Deacons."
Reports from individual PDCs, question and answer sessions, meals, and fellowship opportunities rounded out the two-day summit, with the men traveling home on Saturday morning.
Chris Decker (Presbytery of Southern California), reported, "The summit was a blessing to me in many ways, not the least of which was the connection we all have in Jesus, the unity displayed due to the Spirit's work, and the common job description as deacons....always behind the scenes, never seeking nor expecting credit from others, only for Him and His church."
PHOTO: Many of those in attendance at PDS IV
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