The following links will take you outside the OPC website to the websites of OPC congregations that have their sermons online. We commend these sermons as helpful for your growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
These audio sermons are not meant to replace your involvement in the life of your local church, particularly in the public worship of God. They are especially not a substitute for the unique benefit of sitting directly under the preaching of a minister who knows you and cares for your spiritual well being. The views of these preachers on particular Scripture passages do not necessarily represent an official position of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
The churches below are listed alphabetically by state and city.
With x Sermons
Darren S. Thole
With Under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Stephen Parker
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Martin Emmrich
With 50-99 Sermons
Rev. James T Lim
With 100-249 Sermons
Rev. Joel Robbins
With 10-49 Sermons
Rev. Shaun Bryant
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
With over 500 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Jeff Landis
With 10-49 Sermons
Rev. Dr. Eric Watkins
With Over 100 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Paul Viggiano
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Greg Thurston
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
Dr. Leonard Coppes, Rev. Shawn Mathis
With Over 100 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Robert P. Harting
With 50-99 Sermons
Rev. Richard Miller
With Over 100 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Z. Bulut Yasar
Rev. William Hobbs
With Over 100 Sermons
With Many Sermons
With 10-49 Sermons
Rev. Christopher Strevel
With 250+ Sermons
With Many Sermons
Rev. A. Boyd Miller, IV
With Over 250 Sermons
With Many Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. James Megchelsen
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. John Hilbelink
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. M. Jay Bennett
With 50-99 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Mark Marquis
With 100-249 Sermons
Rev. James La Belle
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Clark H. Brooking
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Tom Martin
With Under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Douglas B. Doll
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Everett Henes
With Over 500 Sermons
Rev. Stephen Pribble
With 250-499 Sermons
With x Sermons
Jason M. Roddy
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Dale Van Dyke
With Over 100 Sermons
Rev. John Shaw
With 100-249 Sermons
With Many Sermons
Rev. Scott E. Churnock; Rev. Todd Wagenmaker
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Nathan Trice
With Over 250 Sermons
Rev. Scott Willet
With 10-49 Sermons
Rev. Daniel Fincham
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Vern Picknally
With Over 250 Sermons
Rev. LeRoy Miller
With 100-249 Sermons
Rev. David Holmlund
With Over 100 Sermons
With x Sermons
Dr. Gregory Reynolds
With Over 250 Sermons
Rev. Allen C. Tomlinson
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Todd Smith
With 50-99 Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
Dr. Mark Larson
With 10-49 Sermons
Rev. Ron Pearce
With Over 500 Sermons
With x Sermons
With Over 800 Sermons
Rev. Michael W. Bobick
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Stanford M. Sutton, Jr.
With Under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. John Wise
With under 10 Sermons
Rev. Scott Johnson
Rev. Peder Kling
With Under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. William Shishko, Rev. Benjamin Miller
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Gerald Malkus
With 100-250 Sermons
Rev. Bob Eckardt
With 50-99 Sermons
Rev. Chris Malamisuro
With under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Stephen Dufresne
With 50-99 Sermons
Rev. Joseph Puglia
With Under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Jim Stevenson
With Under 10 Sermons
Rev. John Ferguson
With 100-249 Sermons
With Over 250 Sermons
Rev. Daniel Dillard
With Under 10 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Dustin Thompson, Brian Nicholson
Rev. John Mahaffy
With 50-100 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Tim Young
With Over 250 Sermons
Rev. Zach Siggins
With Many Sermons
Dr. Mark Garcia
With 100-249 Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Larry Westerveld
With Over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
Bill Snodgrass
With 100+ Sermons
Rev. Arthur J. Fox
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Jonathan Peters and Rev. Aijalon Church
With over 250 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Drew Adcock
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Carlos Cruz Moya
With over 250 Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Alan Story, Rev. Glen Clary
With Over 250 Sermons
Rev. Joseph Troutman
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Nathan Hornfeld
With 10-49 Sermons
Rev. Andrew Moody
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Miller Ansell
With 10-49 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. George C. Hammond
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Charles Biggs
With 1000+ Sermons
Rev. Rodney T. King
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Ethan Allison
With 100-249 Sermons
Rev. Philip T. Proctor
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Carl Durham
With 50-99 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Peter Vosteen; Rev. Benji Swinburnson
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Shane Lems
With 100-249 Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
With x Sermons
Rev. Frank J. Marsh
With Over 100 Sermons
With Over 300 Sermons
Rev. Christian McShaffrey
With 100-249 Sermons
With Many Sermons
With x Sermons
© 2024 The Orthodox Presbyterian Church