

Thank Offering Video: Foreign Missions

The theme for the 2020 Thank Offering is O Taste and See That the Lord is Good.

Through this offering, we support the work of Worldwide Outreach of the OPC. This includes the important work of Christian Education, Home Missions, and Foreign Missions.

This week's video features the work of Foreign Missions.

The foreign missions work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is conducted through its Committee on Foreign Missions (composed of nine ministers and six ruling elders elected by the general assembly) as a part of the Church's total Worldwide Outreach program. Realizing that God upholds, directs, and disposes all things by his most wise and holy providence, we are committed to pursue the opportunities he presents to us to further the proclamation of the gospel to the nations, always bearing in mind that ultimately he is the one who provides the clear and focused opportunity, the necessary personnel, and the required support.

2022 Thank Offering: Foreign Missions from OPC on Vimeo.


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