

How Ruling Elders Can Help Deacons

Trish Duggan

Elders and deacons working in conjunction for the good of their flock is of great importance to the health of any local church but the way to go about that is not always well-defined.

In the December episode of The Reformed Deacon, Rev. Stephen Tracey talks with David Nakhla and Jeffrey Roach, a deacon at Resurrection Presbyterian Church in Matthews, North Carolina, about thoughts on best practices for the two offices: good communication, having joint meetings, using discretion, and practicing joint visitation.

This episode has been graciously provided by the Committee on Christian Education's OPC Ruling Elder Podcast, which aired in September of this year. You can find all of our episodes at www.thereformeddeacon.org. Make sure to follow us on your favorite podcast player, so you don't miss an episode. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for giveaways and more information.


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