by A. Craig Troxel
The Trinity, Worship, and Prayer
by Robert Letham
by Carl R. Trueman
Helps for Worship #8: The Call to Worship
by William Shishko
by A. Craig Troxel
Despite its obvious distortions and regrettable omissions, Peter Jackson's cinematic spectacle could not successfully suppress or alter every motif in the text of J. R. R. Tolkien's trilogy, The Lord of the Rings like "the unbreakable ties of friendship and sacrifice." [1] In these books, the theme of close fellowship swells and recedes throughout the story like the tide of the ocean. The plot finds its moorings in long-standing friendships among hobbits and a wizard. Then, as it sets loose from the Shire, it broadens to include new companions of Middle-earth with the forming of "the fellowship of the ring." Soon into their quest, the individuals of the fellowship shoulder burdens and experience joys in solidarity. Risks and rewards are shared by everyone in the group. Battles, trials, dangers, sacrifices, laughter, fear, and longings all serve to test the deepening bonds of their company. After every challenge is endured and all evil is overcome against all hope, their brotherhood ... Read more
by Robert Letham
God-centered worship must be shaped by who God is, and the high-water mark of God's self-revelation is that he is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yet, while the liturgies of the Eastern Church are permeated with Trinitarian prayers and doxologies, in the West the Trinity has in practice been relegated to a minor role. Standard works of systematic theology in the Reformed tradition plow through page after page on the existence, knowability, being, attributes, and names of God; the Trinity usually brings up the rear, almost as an afterthought. This bias in Western Christianity is in stark contrast with Gregory Nazianzen, who states, "When I say God, I mean Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." [1] Examine any hymnbook and search for clearly Trinitarian compositionsyou won't find many. Many of our hymns could be sung by Unitarians, orthodox Jews, or Muslims. We may bring Trinitarian assumptions to these texts, but explicit recognition of the Trinity is often missing in them. Redemptive ... Read more
by Carl R. Trueman
There are two comments that I frequently hear about the doctrine of the Trinity as it relates to contemporary confessional Protestantism. One is that the doctrine is too abstract and speculative, and thus of little or no practical relevance. The other is that Protestantism is frequently little more than a functional Unitarianism: we pay lip service to the doctrine of the Trinity, but do not allow it to get in the way of going about our regular Christian business. The two objections are both powerful, in large part because they are trueat least in terms of practical outworking. Protestantism has not traditionally placed the Trinity at the practical center of Christianity. As a result, the doctrine has become akin to the revered grandfather who is always invited to Christmas dinner, but sleeps on the couch after lunch and takes no active role in the family celebration. How does one go about remedying such a situation? After all, the technical vocabulary of Trinitarian theology person, ... Read more
by William Shishko
Jesus calls us from the worship of the vain world's golden store, from each idol that would keep us, saying, "Christian, love me more." ("Jesus Calls Us," stanza 3) The world calls us to its various forms of worship every day. Advertisements call us to spend our money (the worship of mammon). In various ways, we are called to give our time to sports, television, and other amusements (the worship of pleasure). We even so plan things that we become the center of our own lives (the worship of self). The call to worship for Lord's Day services is designed to call us away from all other worship so that we will focus on the true and living God. When you come to worship on Sunday morning, you may be upset after an argument in the car on the way. You may feel harried after getting your children out of Bible school classes, into the bathrooms, and up to the auditorium (on time!) after hurriedly giving them snacks. You may be tired from a busy previous week. You may be out of sorts for any number of reasons. ... Read more
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