G. E. Reynolds (1949– )
Ordained Servant: May 2020
Also in this issue
Repentance in the Time of Coronavirus
by Gregory E. Reynolds
Loving the Flock When It Seems That They Do Not Love You
by Alan D. Strange
Chrysostom’s Commentary on Galatians[1], Parts 1–4
by David C. Noe and Joseph A. Tipton
Sage Advice for the New Pastor: A Review Article
by Allen C. Tomlinson
How to Care for Your Pastor: A Guide for Small Churches by Kent Philpott
by Charles M. Wingard
Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age by Bob Cutillo
by Gordon H. Cook, Jr.
How False Beliefs Spread: A Review Article
by T. David Gordon
So lightning fast they struck
My little flock of laying hens—
Just fifty—with three out of luck.
The fisher cat is fast and fierce,
Striking like a well-timed terrorist,
In cover of night, unseen they pierce,
Leaving feathers in their wake
To teach me about boundaries,
About fences to stop their take.
Plagues are so like those agile
Cats, who imperceptibly take their prey,
Foul molecules that kill the fragile.
But under the wings of the Most
High God, no pestilence can hide,
No scattered feathers boast,
Because the plague of sin and death
Can never penetrate the fortress
Of his gracious, life-giving breath.
Ordained Servant Online, May 2020.
Contact the Editor: Gregory Edward Reynolds
Editorial address: Dr. Gregory Edward Reynolds,
827 Chestnut St.
Manchester, NH 03104-2522
Telephone: 603-668-3069
Electronic mail: reynolds.1@opc.org
Ordained Servant: May 2020
Also in this issue
Repentance in the Time of Coronavirus
by Gregory E. Reynolds
Loving the Flock When It Seems That They Do Not Love You
by Alan D. Strange
Chrysostom’s Commentary on Galatians[1], Parts 1–4
by David C. Noe and Joseph A. Tipton
Sage Advice for the New Pastor: A Review Article
by Allen C. Tomlinson
How to Care for Your Pastor: A Guide for Small Churches by Kent Philpott
by Charles M. Wingard
Pursuing Health in an Anxious Age by Bob Cutillo
by Gordon H. Cook, Jr.
How False Beliefs Spread: A Review Article
by T. David Gordon
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