A Journal for Church Officers
E-ISSN 1931-7115
The Spirituality of Mission Work
by Gregory E. Reynolds
How to Plant a Presbyterian Church
by Ross W. Graham
Faithfulness in Giving to Worldwide Outreach
by Brenton C. Ferry
Response to the Review of Recovering the Reformed Confession
by R. Scott Clark
Rejoinder to Clark Response to Review
by Alan Strange
Response to Trueman Review of Seeking a Better Country
by Darryl Hart and John Muether
Rejoinder to Hart, Muether Response to Review
by Carl Trueman
From the Editor. It has been my joy, over three decades of ministry in the OPC, to observe the way our home and foreign missions committees guide the work of spreading the gospel through building the church. In the face of an overwhelming tendency in the American church toward pragmatism, we have sought to be biblicalPresbyterian and Reformedin our approach, focusing, as such an approach demands, on missions as the supernatural work of God.
I have asked each of the general secretaries of our three program committees to articulate over the next three years the biblical uniqueness of their approach to the three essential ministries. In this issue we begin with home missions. Ross Graham explains the principles of OPC home missions in "How to Plant a Presbyterian Church." None of the work of these committees is possible without the proper funding. Brenton Ferry calls us to consistent stewardship in this area in his article, "Faithfulness in Giving to Worldwide Outreach."
Also in this issue some more servant exchange. It is my policy to invite responses by authors to reviews of their books if I think it will help foster mature discussion and better mutual understanding. The original writer of an article or review gets the last word. So Scott Clark responds to Alan Strange's review of Recovering the Reformed Confession, and Darryl Hart and John Muether respond to Carl Trueman's review of Seeking a Better Country, with a final word from each reviewer.
Contact the Editor: Gregory Edward Reynolds
Editorial address: Dr. Gregory Edward Reynolds,
827 Chestnut St.
Manchester, NH 03104-2522
Telephone: 603-668-3069
Electronic mail: reynolds.1@opc.org
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