
September 17 Daily Devotional

(Monthly Theme: Exodus)


Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven

"Moses took the bones of Joseph with him...." —Exodus 13:19

Bible Reading

GENESIS 50:22-26


God's people live in hope. We are sure God is going to do something in the future, something that our eyes are not yet allowed to see. We are so certain it is going to happen that our present lives are governed by our expectation.

The believers in Israel never gave up hope during their long exile on Egyptian soil. Egypt never became their home, although they lived there for about ten generations.

Joseph knew that Egypt was not his real country, even though he held a high position there. Next to Pharaoh, Joseph had the highest government position in Egypt's political structure. He ruled the country. He was concerned about Egypt. He served its welfare better than most Egyptians. In fact, he was called the savior of the land. Yet Joseph said, "I don't belong here. I share in the promises God made to Abraham, my father's grandfather."

Joseph was not allowed to see the promises fulfilled. He lived and died in hope, and by faith he gave directions for his funeral. His last will and testament showed that he did not doubt the Word of God: "Let me be buried in the promised land."

Some 430 years after he was sold as a slave in Egypt (Ex. 12:40), Joseph's coffin was carried out of Egypt toward the land that was promised to his fathers.

We tend to be impatient people with a short-range view of life and events. We want success and results, and we want them now. But God has a different view of the human race and of us. God sees us as members of a body, links in generations, twigs on a tree. God's purposes ripen while generations pass. His promises are true, but those who fix their hopes on him are carried in their coffins.

God wants us to live in hope. With our lives we make a long-range investment. This present country is not our home, though we serve it well. A future has been promised us. And that expectation determines the way we conduct ourselves.


Thank God for the hope that he gives you and every believer.

Andrew Kuyvenhoven's Daylight, a modern devotional classic, was originally published by Paideia Press in 1977. This updated edition is copyright 2009 by Faith Alive Christian Resources. You can order a copy of this revised version of the book directly from the publisher.

A man of many accomplishments, Andrew Kuyvenhoven is probably best known for his contributions to Today (formerly The Family Altar), a widely-used monthly devotional booklet associated with the Back to God Hour. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations for this updated edition of Daylight are from the Holy Bible: Today's New International Version copyright 2001, 2005 by the International Bible Society.



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