
January 27 Daily Devotional

Unanswered Prayers

Peter G. Feenstra

And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by the prophets. (1 Sam. 28:6)

Bible Reading

1 Sam. 28:6


Are all prayers answered by the Lord? People sometimes complain, “I pray but it doesn’t seem to help. I don’t think the Lord hears me.” Why is that? Sometimes we are too impatient or short-sighted to see how God is answering us. But there are times that God doesn’t pay attention when people call on Him. 1 Samuel 28:6 is one illustration of an unanswered prayer, “And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him...”

King Saul prayed to God because he was terrified by the approaching army of the Philistines. The terror of the Lord, which had come upon Israel’s enemies in times past, now came upon Saul. He asked God how he would fare in battle, but his request fell on deaf ears. God did not respond.

Why would God do that? The king is at the right address. He seeks the Lord in an hour of great need. Why doesn't God answer him? After all, God pledges elsewhere “...before they call I will answer; and while they are still speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24) Saul’s prayer was not answered because he would not listen to the Lord. The king did not submit himself to the Lord in total obedience and humility. Several times Saul admitted that he was wrong. He said, “I’m sorry,” but he didn’t repent with a broken and contrite heart.

Saul was a selfish king. He wasn’t worried about the fulfilment of God’s redemptive plan and the coming of the promised Messiah. All he wanted to know was whether or not he would survive the war. The Lord has no answer for those who want a special revelation concerning their own personal well-being, who “use” rather than praise God through their prayers. Our prayers must be in harmony with the revealed Word of God. Those who live contrary to the norms of Scripture do not have the certainty their prayers will be answered.

As Christians we may never approach God in prayer to get what we want. We are to ask the Lord, through Jesus Christ, to give us what we need for obedient service. When we carefully and faithfully listen to God’s Word, the answers will follow.

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