
April 23 Daily Devotional

Heart Issues and Calm Reactions

Peter G. Feenstra

A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, But a fool’s heart at his left. Ecclesiastes 10:2

Bible Reading

Ecclesiastes 10:1–10


When someone is not acting in a very Christian manner our tendency is to correct their outward behaviour. Ecclesiastes 10:2 teaches us to look deeper and see wisdom and folly as heart issues. “A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart at his left.” “Right” is a symbol of what is worthy of our effort and pursuit. The wise person goes in the direction of what is worth his time and effort, whereas the fool goes the opposite way. That’s because the disposition of his heart is not right before God. The fool is controlled by whatever he can get out of life at the moment, while he blindly walks down a road to ruin. The fool does not seek the good of others and does not lean toward what is valuable. His inclination is toward what is wrong, to the point that his foolishness can no longer be disguised.

The Preacher provides us with a pitiful picture. Verse 3 says, “Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everybody how stupid he is.” (NIV) There is something about the way a fool walks. Have you ever seen a drunken fool as he attempts to walk down the street? He thinks he is in control but he has lost his ability to walk straight and he ends up doing what he wouldn’t have done if he was in his right mind.

How should you react when you see or hear about someone acting foolishly? Be careful not to respond to a fool like a fool. A bad reaction to a wrong situation only makes matters worse. Calmness can lay great errors to rest (10:4). The Preacher warns against the foolish pride that quickly takes offence when someone behaves improperly. Individuals have walked away from a church community and never darkened the doors of the building again, reacting in anger to the foolish behaviour of others. At the moment it may feel right to walk away angry if someone has said or done something offensive. It seems right until we realize that we have not been thinking clearly; we have not kept our eyes fixed on Christ and His work.

The Preacher advises in the last part of verse 4 that calmness and goodwill can lay great errors to rest. That’s true for what goes on at work, at home and in church life. Watch how you react to the foolish words and behaviour of others. Be calm and show patience. Be wise and show that you are willing to surrender your own life, as well as anything that bothers you, into the hands of your faithful Saviour.

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