
June 29 Daily Devotional

The Story of the Risen Christ’s Glory

Peter G. Feenstra

“He is not here, but is risen!” Luke 24:6a

Bible Reading

Luke 24:1–8


On the morning of Christ’s resurrection, angels (heavenly ministers) are sent to earth to announce that Jesus Christ is no longer in the tomb. The Lord our God calls His servants into action to preach the gospel of the risen Christ to His children. What they say is noteworthy. At Christ’s birth an angel announced, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy...” The angels praised God saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Without a doubt, such an outburst of praise would have seemed appropriate on the morning of Christ’s resurrection, too! It would have been wonderful if the angel at the tomb had been accompanied by a heavenly host of angels singing, “Christ is risen, Hallelujah!” But that does not happen.

The Lord does not send angels to sing praise but to admonish the women who had made their way to the tomb where the body of Jesus had been laid to rest. Their action is controlled by a deep love for Christ. Yet what they set out to accomplish is not based on knowledge, obedience or faith. They seek to honour Him in His death by showing Him their last respects. These women do not expect to find Jesus alive.

The angels confront the unbelief of these women by asking them, “Why are you here? Why do you seek the living among the dead?” The intentions of the women are well-meant; yet they are badly in error. The first Lord’s Day sermon comes from heavenly ministers and it exposes the sin of several sisters in the church. These women stood at the cross of Christ, and now at His grave, as those who do not grasp the mystery of Christ’s coming in the flesh.

In their message concerning the glory of the risen Christ, the angels remind the women that Christ Himself had spoken of the divine necessity of the cross. Jesus had to go to the cross to make payment for our sins but the work of redemption did not end at the cross. The first day of the week can be a feast of life because the Living One was in the realm of the dead, but He didn’t stay there. Christ had to die in order that through the victory of His resurrection we might be declared innocent, freed from sin (Romans 3:25). Praise God that this message may be proclaimed to us every Lord’s Day by earthly angels (ministers of the Word).

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