
September 6 Daily Devotional

Continuing Education

Peter G. Feenstra

You must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them. 2 Timothy 3:14

Bible Reading

2 Timothy 3:10–17


Many of us still remember how we felt the first day we went to school. We were no longer under the caring eye of our mother but we had to learn to listen to the instructions of our teacher. No longer were we carefree but we had to get used to the structure of the classroom. Perhaps some of us looked forward to our first day at school while others may have dreaded it. Looking back we realize structure is good for us and conducive to good education.

School is not a favourite word for many young people. Students look forward to the day they can leave teachers and textbooks behind. But the Christian faith is different. Our teachers and our textbook are important throughout life. In the school of the Holy Spirit we remain pupils of Christ to our dying day.

There are many things vying for our attention and trying to distract us from our schoolwork and from opening God’s textbook. That is why we need repeated reminders to focus on our schoolwork. In 2 Timothy 3:14 Paul encourages Timothy, and every believer, to continue in what we have been taught. From infancy Timothy was taught to know the Lord. His mother and grandmother had a major influence in his life. Later on Timothy came into contact with Paul and was under his tutelage. And now Paul, as his mentor, encourages Timothy to build on his knowledge of the Lord Jesus by continuing in what he was taught. There is still so much to learn!

Christian education never comes to an end; it never leads to a graduation or commencement exercises. After receiving instruction in the basic doctrines of salvation we do not close the books but press on and continue in what we have been taught. There is much to learn.

2 Timothy 3:14 is a call to every Christian to let the Word of God dominate our lives and thinking. We have so many resources available to us through books, magazine, online sermons and publications. May we be eager students of the Word as we continue our education in the academy of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the words of the apostle motivate us to open our Bibles, read and, more to the point, take what we read into our hearts and minds in order that our whole life be governed by the Word of the Lord.

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