
November 20 Daily Devotional

The Ten Lepers

Frans Bakker

And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when he saw them.... —Luke 17:12–13

Bible Reading

Luke 17:11–16


Ten lepers are united together by the pains of their body. What unhappy wretches they are. These ten men have shriveled up hands, malformed faces, an awful body, and their voices are hoarse. Leprosy is a devastating disease. It is a disease that will gnaw at you until you die. It is awful and revolting. Leprosy is an image of sin. Scripture compares leprosy with sin and illustrates how our souls must be cured of their leprosy.

The ten men with leprosy had heard of Christ and all ten of them go to Him to seek mercy. They do not dare come too close to Him, for society’s laws will not permit it. They stand far off, and with all the strength they yet possess, they cry out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” They are in great need. With the bodies that they have, they gather together all the strength that their shriveled feet can muster to go to the Lord; and with their hoarse voices they plead for their health to be restored.

“Jesus, Master, have mercy upon us.” The lepers realize that without a divine miracle, they will die of this disease. Christ is standing amidst a multitude of Pharisees, scribes, and people when the lepers come to Him. It is most noteworthy that we read, “And when he saw them.” He sees them! And he does not turn away from them when He sees them coming.

This is the work of the great High Priest. He turns His head away from those who have no need of Him. But when there is need and sorrow, He is sure to notice. He sees the lepers. When He sees them, the cure begins. He sees them white as snow due to their leprous spots. He sees them in all their misery and woe.

Is there one need on earth that the Lord does not take notice of, dear friend? He sees everything. He sees every need. It is man’s great fault that God is the last one he goes to for deliverance. Oh, if only more needs would be brought before Him!


From The Everlasting Word by Frans Bakker, compiled and translated by Gerald R. Procee. Reformation Heritage Books and Free Reformed Publications, 2007. Used by permission. For further information, click here.



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