the Rev. Henry Huenemann
There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes (John 6:9).
Bible Reading
John 6:1-14:Devotional
When Jesus was upon earth He preached to the people, and made the sick well. He also sent out the disciples to preach and to heal the sick. When they came back from their trip, they were tired, and Jesus said, "Come and rest a while." So they went by boat to a quiet place. But the people saw them leave. And they ran along the shore of the lake, and got to the quiet place first. When Jesus came out of the boat He saw much people. And He pitied them, "because they were as sheep without a shepherd." So He taught them many things. Toward evening his disciples said to him: Send the people away, that they may go and buy bread for they have nothing to eat. Jesus said, "Give ye them to eat." But they said, Where shall we get bread for so many? They found a little boy, who had five buns and two small fishes, which he let them have to give to Jesus. And Jesus gave thanks, and then gave to his disciples, and they gave to the people. And all ate as much as they liked. And then Jesus told them to pick up what was left, and they picked up twelve baskets full. And there were more than five thousand people that had eaten.
Dear boys and girls, would you be willing to give what you have to Jesus, that the hungry may be fed?
Dear Jesus, we thank Thee, that Thou didst use the gift of a little boy to feed the five thousand. We thank Thee for our daily bread. But help us to remember that we do not live by bread alone but by every word God has spoken. Feed our souls with the bread of life, and use us in Thy service. Amen.
Scripture in Devotional: Mark 6:31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 42ff.
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