
May 27, 2015 News

MTIOPC Registration Deadline Extended

May 26, 2015

Dear fathers and brothers:

Registration deadline for the MTIOPC summer courses has been extended until June 3 to allow more students to enroll in these excellent classes.

Please consider enrolling in A Greek Refresher, the newest course offered by the Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Dr. David C. Noe, an OP elder and associate professor of Classics at Calvin College, will teach the course. He hopes to help pastors refresh and expand their grasp of Greek to aid them in preaching the whole counsel of God with sound exegesis.

To learn how to articulate the identity of the OPC, enroll in OPC History. The instructor is OP Historian John Muether, an OP elder who serves as librarian and associate professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. The class will look at American Presbyterian from colonial times through the formation of the OPC in 1936, then focus on the OP’s character and commitments.

Sign up today, as classes begin June 8 with online reading and writing assignments. The class culminates in a three-day Intensive Training at the OPC Administrative Offices in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. The instructors teach their classes face to face during Intensive Training, which is mandatory. Students typically travel on Monday, August 17 to the Philadelphia area. Classes are held from 8 a.m. Tuesday, August 18 through noon Thursday, August 20.

Students are limited to taking one course, since class times overlap during Intensive Training. MTIOPC provides lodging with church families, meals, and transportation to and from the offices and the Philadelphia Airport. Travel scholarships are available and tuition is free to OP pastors, licentiates, and men under care of a presbytery.

For more details, please see: http://www.opc.org/cce/MTI.html

You may also contact Pat Clawson, MTIOPC coordinator, at ccesec@opc.org or (215) 935-1023.

Yours in Christ,

Danny Olinger
MTIOPC Director



+1 215 830 0900

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