
April 12 Daily Devotional

God Our Refuge

the Rev. David Freeman

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe"
     "Prov. 18:10.



Yes, we have a refuge. Let a man look at the cross and see reconciliation there made for sinners. Then let him believe on the Lamb for sinners slain and see God's love. Into this door he can enter and in this compartment of the fortress he is safe and happy.

It is "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth; keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, and that will by no means spare the guilty" into whom we may go. We may take refuge in every name and attribute as in a separate chamber of our fortress.

Because He is all-knowing and all-wise, we suffer not without His knowledge. Because His power is infinite, He can lift the burden under which we groan. Because He is ever near, He can listen to our cry. Because He is good, our happiness means something to Him, and He will not permit us to suffer the pains of eternal death. Because He is merciful, He cares for our low estate and because He is gracious, He will not permit us to sink into despair. What a stronghold is He for all who will flee to Him.

When trouble comes the child of God goes into this refuge. When his heart is overwhelmed, he says, "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."

Behold the Rock of your Defense! Behold in every attribute a chamber of protection! God's people in the past have learned to confide in Him, under the heaviest strokes. Cannot you?

"Lift Up Your Heart" is a series of devotionals by the late Rev. David Freeman, an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for most of his life. These devotionals, in fact, are part of the early history of our denomination. The first of them was published in The Presbyterian Guardian in 1935; the denomination now known as the Orthodox Presbyterian Church was officially formed in 1936. We believe that "the Word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8; see 1 Peter 1:25). Thus it is no surprise that meditations based on that Word have continued relevance today. Dr. Freeman's devotionals are proof of that fact.

David Freeman was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.B., 1928; Th.M. , 1930) and of Dropsie Univiersity (Ph.D., 1951). He served as pastor at Grace (later New Covenant) Presbyterian Church (OPC), Philadelphia, PA (1936-1946), Knox Presbyterian Church (OPC), Philadelphia, PA (1949-1962), and Grace Presbyterian Church (OPC), Fall River, MA (1962-1967). He authored many articles and (along with his son, David H. Freeman) is the author of the book A Philosophical Study of Religion, which appeared in 1964. He went to be with the Lord in 1984.

There is one change from the way the daily devotional was handled in the past with John Skilton's Think On These Things: New devotionals for the new series appear on weekdays only (Monday through Saturday. It is suggested that you use your pastor's sermon text(s) as the basis for your mediations on the Lord's Day.

We trust that you will find these devotionals, once again made available seventy years after they first appeared, to be a personal help in your own Christian walk today!



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