"The way of man is not in himself: It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps"
"Jeremiah 10:23.
Shrouded in mystery and darkness are God's ways with men. Much has happened in our lives for which we can give no reason. We know not where our next footstep shall be planted. Whether death or life, joys or sorrows await us, no wisdom can disclose to us.
Now the man of faith acknowledges God in all His ways with him. It has been a right way, even though events have been adverse. When we do not know what good can come out of our present distress, God gives us the assurance that He is using us for the very purpose for which He sent us into the world.
What consolation to know that those things which we cannot control are governed by One who loves us better than we love ourselves.
But suppose we could order our own lives, what kind of lives would we cut out for ourselves? Certainly we would plan lives of pleasure and prosperity. There would be no pain in them. In such planning are we not proving to be our worst enemies? The pleasures of our choosing, will they not in the end be for our lasting evil and will not our prosperities destroy our souls?
Yes, we know not whither we are going or what lies in store for us of weal or woe, but Cod's way is better, for He is taking into account our eternal welfare. The very things which we would avoid He is using for our good. Have not our richest blessings come with disappointment and defeat? Truly God's way is the best way even though we cannot see. When we least know whither we are going the Lord knoweth the way we take.
Often we repine at our lot. We try to help God by attempting to make the promises effective. We break into new paths our Leader has not chosen. Much we take upon ourselves, and many arc our claims to power.
God is sovereign, wise, just, and omnipotent. No part of our way is left to ourselves. Not merely the journey but every step of the journey is ordered by Him, Even our defects and offenses are so governed by the supreme Providence as to work out our greater salvation and display the greater glory of divine grace.
(to be continued)
"Lift Up Your Heart" is a series of devotionals by the late Rev. David Freeman, an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for most of his life. These devotionals, in fact, are part of the early history of our denomination. The first of them was published in The Presbyterian Guardian in 1935; the denomination now known as the Orthodox Presbyterian Church was officially formed in 1936. We believe that "the Word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8; see 1 Peter 1:25). Thus it is no surprise that meditations based on that Word have continued relevance today. Dr. Freeman's devotionals are proof of that fact.
David Freeman was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.B., 1928; Th.M. , 1930) and of Dropsie Univiersity (Ph.D., 1951). He served as pastor at Grace (later New Covenant) Presbyterian Church (OPC), Philadelphia, PA (1936-1946), Knox Presbyterian Church (OPC), Philadelphia, PA (1949-1962), and Grace Presbyterian Church (OPC), Fall River, MA (1962-1967). He authored many articles and (along with his son, David H. Freeman) is the author of the book A Philosophical Study of Religion, which appeared in 1964. He went to be with the Lord in 1984.
There is one change from the way the daily devotional was handled in the past with John Skilton's Think On These Things: New devotionals for the new series appear on weekdays only (Monday through Saturday. It is suggested that you use your pastor's sermon text(s) as the basis for your mediations on the Lord's Day.
We trust that you will find these devotionals, once again made available seventy years after they first appeared, to be a personal help in your own Christian walk today!
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