D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (selected by Frank Cumbers)
It is finished...
(His work, my cleansing)
[People who do not believe the Scriptures] do not seem to realize fully what our Lord did on the Cross on Calvary's Hill. They do believe in His sacrificial, atoning death; but they do not work out its implications.... They know enough to be saved, ... but they are in a state of depression because they do not realize fully what this means. They forget that the angel announced to Joseph at the very beginning that He should "save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). The angel did not say that He shall save from all sins except this one sin that you have committed. No! "He shall save His people from their sins." ...
There is no qualification there, no limit. Or listen to the words of the Apostle Paul when he says, "He hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin" (2 Corinthians 5:21). They were all put there, every one; there is no limit; there is nothing left. All the sins of His people are there, every one of them. Indeed, He said it Himself, did He not, on the Cross? He said, "It is finished," absolutely finished....
It is finished in the sense that not only all the sins committed in the past were dealt with there, but all the sins that could ever be committed were also dealt with there. It is one sacrifice, once and forever. He would never come back to the Cross again. All the sins were dealt with there finally and completely, everything. Nothing was left undone—"It is finished." What we remind one another of as we take the bread and the wine, and what we proclaim, is that completed finished work.
There is nothing left undone; there is no qualification concerning particular sins. All the sins of those who believe on Him, every one, have been dealt with; and God has blotted them out as a thick cloud. All the sins you may ever commit have been dealt with there so that when you go to Him, it is "the Blood of Jesus Christ," His Son, that is going to cleanse you.
Spiritual Depression, pp. 73-4
Comments on D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, A First Book of Daily Readings
"These gems of evangelical truth, biblically based, help the reader to understand this world in the light of the Word." —Church Herald
"Christ-honoring, thought-provoking discussions" —Presbyterian Journal
"Few daily devotional books offer as much substantial insight as this one." —Christian Bookseller
"...will help to either open or close your day." —Evangelize
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