
May 12 Daily Devotional

Inscribed on the Palms of God’s Hands

Peter G. Feenstra

See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me. Isaiah 49:16

Bible Reading

Isaiah 49:8–16


When times are difficult we are comforted by the Lord’s activity in our favour. The Lord is strong and mighty and has the ability to save and redeem us. Isaiah 53 declares the gospel of the coming of the Lord Jesus as the Suffering Servant. In His coming the strong arm of the Lord is revealed. The narrative of the Old and New Testament tells us how the Lord’s arm saved His people from sin and misery. Like a mother carries her child in her arms, the Lord takes us in His everlasting and protective arms. “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deut 33:27)

Another vivid image of the Lord’s care is His hand. He assures us repeatedly that everything is in His hand. God says to His people in Isaiah 49, “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.” We write little reminders on our hands with ink, whereas God has us engraved on His hands. If we are inscribed on His hands, we can be sure our cares, worries and concerns will receive His attention.

Knowing the gospel of God’s hands is such a blessing to us who live in this fallen world. The way we use our hands often reflects the sinfulness of our hearts. Just think of all you have done with your hands during the past week and then contrast that to the manifestation of God’s love in the hands of the Lord Jesus. Jesus used His hands to touch those who needed healing. His hands were folded in prayer on behalf of His disciples. His hands were nailed to the cross to forgive us of our sins. His hands blessed His church.

We all know how life can suddenly reverse joy to grief. We can be standing on the heights of happiness today and be in the depths of despair tomorrow. A trip to the doctor, the devastation caused by a storm, a bad move or decision can change everything. Yet we can have confidence knowing the days of our lives are not in our own hands. No matter which way our life develops, all things are safely lodged in the Lord’s hand. Let us thank and praise the Lord that He has us inscribed on His hands. He will never fail us or leave us.

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