the Rev. Henry Huenemann
This is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6:40).
Bible Reading
Romans 3:19-31:Devotional
"Every one that seeth the Son." How can we see the Son? We cannot see him with our physical eyes. But we can behold him as He has revealed himself in his Word. Here He is shown us in all his love and loveliness. We see him in the state of his humiliation and in the state of his exaltation. We see him lifted up on the cross, as the serpent in the wilderness, obedient unto death; and we see him highly exalted. He is our only, complete Saviour. O sinner, do not weary yourself with your own works. Do not try to draw out the poison of death from your veins by your own efforts. But look to Jesus and trust him, and thou shalt live, live for ever. "He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." Christ will raise him up at the last day and give him a glorious body. Does this not seem too good to be true? Oh, when our sins trouble us, and the light of our eyes is not with us; when everything looks dark and we are nigh unto despair, let us look to Jesus with the eye of faith, and we shall experience his saving power. We shall have everĀlasting life. This is the will of God. His will never changes. He gave his son to save us. He will also preserve us unto everĀlasting life.
Merciful God and Father, open our eyes that we may see Jesus as our Saviour, see him in his humiliation, in his suffering and death, but also see him crowned with glory and honor. May we behold him as the Author and Finisher of faith. May we see our salvation perfectly secured by him. Help us to believe and to endure unto the end, and when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, may we appear with him in glory. In his name we pray. Amen.
Scripture in Devotional: Phil. 2:6-11; John 11:25; Phil, 3:21; Ps. 38:10.
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