
March 26 Daily Devotional

"Be Still and Know That I Am God...."

the Rev. David Freeman


"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalm 46:10


The Spirit of God first speaks of times of desolation, trouble and war, and then adds, "Be still, and know that I am God."

In the fire or water there may be calm and peace within. The Lord Jesus did not leave us His peace in a tranquil and calm world but in a world that lieth in the Wicked One. Even in a world, and in a time like the present one, peaceful repose in God should be the mark of the mind that is the Lord's.

Why then is there upheaval and turmoil in the breast in times of trouble? The soul must look within for the answer. In the heart and not in the world lies the cause of anxiety and fear.

It is the love of the world which makes the heart uneasy. Covetousness makes a man say, "These troubles may cost me my house, my possessions and my livelihood." He who loves the world cannot but be restless. Would that all of God's children could say, "I am crucified to the world, and the world unto me." Then they would be still.

A worldly man can never say in times of external trouble, "I have learned in whatever state I am to be content." It is just what he cannot be because his peace depends upon the state of the world.

Of all men cast down and rest in a time of testing and trial those who fear God somewhat, and yet fear men not a little, are to be pitied and prayed for. To such there does not come peace. There never was a generation in which there was more the fear of men and less of the fear of God than in this age. Can the fearful man be at peace ? Let the Scripture answer, "The fear of man bringeth a snare."

Calm and still in mind under every difficulty and care! Who would not like to be thus? Have a saving knowledge of God through Christ Jesus. "Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee." Certainly without this special redemptive knowledge of God His peace is far off.

(to be continued)

"Lift Up Your Heart" is a series of devotionals by the late Rev. David Freeman, an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for most of his life. These devotionals, in fact, are part of the early history of our denomination. The first of them was published in The Presbyterian Guardian in 1935; the denomination now known as the Orthodox Presbyterian Church was officially formed in 1936. We believe that "the Word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8; see 1 Peter 1:25). Thus it is no surprise that meditations based on that Word have continued relevance today. Dr. Freeman's devotionals are proof of that fact.

David Freeman was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.B., 1928; Th.M. , 1930) and of Dropsie Univiersity (Ph.D., 1951). He served as pastor at Grace (later New Covenant) Presbyterian Church (OPC), Philadelphia, PA (1936-1946), Knox Presbyterian Church (OPC), Philadelphia, PA (1949-1962), and Grace Presbyterian Church (OPC), Fall River, MA (1962-1967). He authored many articles and (along with his son, David H. Freeman) is the author of the book A Philosophical Study of Religion, which appeared in 1964. He went to be with the Lord in 1984.



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