
Trinity Hymnal

About the Hymnal

The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.


Trinity Hymnal

No longer, Lord, despise me — Pleading

Original Trinity Hymnal, #511
From Psalm 6

No longer, Lord despise me,
Nor in thy wrath chastise me,
Thy mercy I implore.
How long thine anger cherish?
Consumed thereby I perish;
My soul is troubled sore.

To me, O Lord, returning,
Save thou, with pity yearning.
Shall death thy mem'ry keep?
Or shall the grave confess thee?
Or I give thanks and bless thee,
While day and night I weep?

The Lord will ever hear me,
And when I pray be near me,
To put my foes to shame;
Turned back, no more to grieve me,
They suddenly shall leave me.
All glory to his Name!

Page number: Blue 511, download MIDI File

About the Hymnal

The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.



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