
April 12, 2010 News

Deacon's Summit Deadline Announced

Fathers and brothers,

It is with great thanksgiving that we have seen the registration for the Diaconal Summit swell beyond 200—most of them deacons! This is almost 25% of the deacons in the whole OPC!

Due to the large response of interest in the Summit and because planning must move forward to accommodate such a crowd, the Subcommittee on Arrangements has asked that we set a registration deadline of May 1 and a registration cap of 250 men. As such, we again encourage you to get your deacons registered right away if it is your session's intention that they participate in this event.

The dates are June 3-5, 2010, at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. The summit is open for all ordained men, but especially deacons and men who serve on presbytery diaconal committees.

For further information see the following: feature article, registration flyer, online registration form, Summit Questionaire cover letter (.doc), Deacon questionnaire (.doc).

Yours in Christ on behalf of the Committee on Diaconal Ministries,

David Nakhla


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