
March 15, 2011 News

Japan Disaster Diaconal Ministry

OPC Disaster Relief coordinator David P. Nakhla writes,


The Committee on Diaconal Ministries is working with and through our Missionaries to bring aid to Japan in this time of disaster. Luke Cummings, son of Cal & Edie Cummings, has initiated an effort to truck supplies the 200 miles from Tokyo to Sendai so that they can be used to minister to those with whom our missionaries have contact. They are bringing in water, rice, hot foods, batteries, toilet paper and other hygiene products and gas canisters…the basic necessities. He is buying what he can get. We thank God that, as far as we can tell, our missionaries' homes were spared any substantial damage!

The CDM has reserves to draw upon to finance this effort and is thankful to be able to participate in bringing this cup of cold water in the name of Christ. If you would like to contribute directly towards this Japan Disaster Response effort, contributions can be made by clicking on the link Donate to Japan Relief at OPC.org, or you can send a check or money order to:

Commmittee on Diaconal Ministries
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
607 N. Easton Rd., Bldg. E
Willow Grove, PA 19090-2539

Checks should be made out to "Orthodox Presbyterian Church" and clearly marked for "CDM -- Disaster Response".

Please also keep up with updates on the Facebook page: OPC Disaster Response.

Yours in Christ,



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