[Note: Links to other "Great East Japan Earthquake Updates" may be found here.]
Monday, March 21, 2011, 2:00 p.m. EDT
Thank you all for your prayers on behalf of our missionaries in Japan. The Lauers made it back to Numazu from their trip to take supplies up to Sendai safe, but tired. Earlier today, Cal Cummings posted the following from Sendai:
Cal and Edie Cummings
Thank you so much for your prayers. My dear wife Edie has wonderfully kept you all up on some of the many things that are going on here. I am due to head out with my sons Luke and Caleb to check out some of the cities and towns up north along the coast where the tsunami devastated may towns, so will not be able to write a long update here, but I do so want to be in touch with you all.
Saturday we worked with the Lauers and Uomotos to unload the four 2-ton trucks that the Lauers and a friend, Mr Iida, brought up from Yokohama loaded with goods and clothes. What a blessing it was to be able to share with two missionary families who had lost their homes and establish distribution centers from various churches—Megumi, Kita Nakayama, East Sendai, Sendai—and Pastor Ogata's and another member's home from which we can share the Gospel in deed and word. The Lauers went on to Watari where they connected with Pastor Hayashi and were able to deliver much needed clothes and food to the shelter across from his house.
Nearly every day has been filled with innumerable opportunities to share the Gospel of hope in Christ in the midst of this disaster. As the shelters are being supplied the neighborhoods are now becoming a focus of need as people are not able to get out due to age, sickness, or no gas. Plus no supermarkets are open or selling goods as yet, so those who had been saying we are fine are now realizing their vulnerability and are accepting our gifts with deep gratitude.
Yesterday I went to Sendai Church and heard a wonderful message by Pastor Yoshida on Psalm 23. ... From there I went to East Sendai and delivered some liquid gold in the form of gasoline so the pastor could get around to the needy in his church and neighborhood. They had already delivered much of what we had put in His church to the local school and were actively inviting people to share in another load that we delivered Saturday. While I was there I was able to share with a neighbor the fact that these goods were a gift from God. She thanked me for those words and then we were able to add that there is even a greater gift that God gives us through His Son Jesus. Then she said, O yes I remember the Uomotos. I came to Sunday school here. Pastor Tateishi extended further invitation to come and visit her and to welcome her to the church as well. Everywhere we go we are able to share this same message of the Bread of Life, The Good Shepherd, The Living Water. Pray that the Lord will bless the testimony of His grace to these lives that have been devastated.
Please pray for wisdom as there are many decisions that have to be made quickly. Pray too that the water would subside and the tremors become fewer (we are still getting 10 or more a day). Samaritan's Purse has delivered 90 tons of goods that is to be distributed through the churches. Pray for wisdom to be good stewards in the name of Christ to bring the Gospel in deed and Word.
I will be meeting with the RCJ diaconal committee and area RCJ pastors this evening as the nationwide RCJ is coming together to send volunteers and other assistance. We are here in the name of Christ in these difficult times.
Please remember Cal and his sons in your prayers, as they head north to survey the damage, asking our Lord to open many doors for them to testify to the hope that is the present possession of those who belong to Christ.
[Note: Links to other "Great East Japan Earthquake Updates" may be found here.]
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