
June 21, 2012 News

New Worldwide Outreach brochure

To: The sessions and congregations of the OPC

Re: The new Worldwide Outreach brochure

In the upcoming week, your church should receive copies of the new Worldwide Outreach brochure, "The Church's Faithful Response to the Great Commission." The brochure summarizes the ministries of Christian Education, Home Missions, and Foreign Missions in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and how they are supported. The brochure (which replaces the 2008 three-pocket WWO brochure) has been designed both to introduce the ministries of the OPC to newcomers and visitors, and to simplify church giving for members.

Please make it available on a literature table or include it in the material that you pass out to your new members. The members of your budget committee might also find it helpful in preparing the yearly church budget.

If you would like more brochures, or if you have feedback concerning the brochure itself, please do not hesitate to contact any of us at the OPC Administrative office at 215-830-0900. The brochure will also be online at OPC.ORG in the near future for download under the "Worldwide Outreach" link on the left-hand column of the home page.

Yours in Christ,

Danny E. Olinger
Mark T. Bube
Ross W. Graham


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