
September 13, 2012 News

Biblical Study Tour of Israel

The session of Redeemer OPC, Ada, Michigan, is sponsoring a study tour of Israel in the summer of 2013. Rev. Eric Hausler (pastor of Redeemer OPC) will be co-leading a 13-day extensive Israel study tour June 17–29, 2013 along with Dr. John DeLancey (WSCPhil '88). Rev. DeLancey has led over twenty tours to Israel. Pastor Hausler will be doing the Bible teaching and Rev. DeLancey will be teaching on the historical and archeological sites. For more information and itinerary, go to www.redeemer-opc.org and click on the Biblical Israel Study Tour link. You may also contact Pastor Hausler directly at ehausler@redeemer-opc.org if you have questions.


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