
November 02, 2012 News

Your Sabbath Destination Published

Book cover

Your Sabbath Destination, a 15-page booklet by Roger W. Schmurr, is now available from the Committee on Christian Education. Roger, a retired OP minister, once served as editor of New Horizons magazine.

This engaging booklet narrates the interaction between a pastor and a member of his congregation. It links the weekly Sabbath to our eternal rest, focusing on Hebrews 3:7–4:11.

To purchase this booklet, go to our new website publications page, store.opc.org (to order using PayPal), or e-mail Pat Clawson at CCEsec@opc.org (to be invoiced). The price is $1.00, or $0.75 per copy for 10 or more. For U.S. addresses, there is a flat $4.00 shipping charge for orders under $35.00, so order several items together for free shipping.


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