
April 26, 2013 News

Nominations Sought for Executive Director of Great Commission Publications by May 31, 2013

GCP is a publisher of covenant-based, Reformed discipleship materials and is owed in a joint venture by the OPC and PCA.

Don K. Clements

After the unexpected death of 34-year veteran Executive Director Reverend Tom Patete this past December, the Board of Directors elected a Search Committee to begin to look for a replacement. The Committee reported to the full board this past Monday, April 22, with recommendations for a plan of procedure, a job description, and a list of desired attributes for a new director. All three of these recommendations were approved and the search has officially started.

The first step is to seek nominations for possible candidates. In addition to this public appeal, direct email is being sent to all current and past members of the Board of Directors, as well as to the customer base of this denominational owned publisher of covenant-based, Reformed discipleship materials.

The list of desired attributes for possible candidates for this position includes:

  1. Is either a minister (TE) or a ruling elder (RE) in the OPC or PCA.
  2. Has demonstrated experience working well with either or both denominations.
  3. Has gifts/graces that will suit him to work well with either OPC or PCA.
  4. Experience in and/or commitment to Christian Education and/or Christian publishing.
  5. Experience on Great Commission Publications Board of Trustees or on other denominational agencies/committees.
  6. Demonstrated administrative ability, including supervising an array of personnel.
  7. Has excellent communication skills.
  8. A man who is a humble, godly servant.

The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2013. All nominations, if possible including a C.V. (and in the case of a minister/TE, a copy of the denominational ministerial data form), should be sent to the Secretary of the Search Committee, Dr. Don K. Clements, at don@metokos.org.

To obtain a copy of the detailed job description of the position, interested parties should contact the Search Committee Secretary at don@metokos.org.

For more information about Great Commission Publications visit their website.


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