
May 21, 2013 News

O.T. Professor Needed

Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary is a dedicated prison seminary with its first campus within the Danville Correctional Center in Danville, Illinois. The seminary held its first classes in March 2012 and is now seeking to add a full-time Professor/Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies to the Seminary staff. The individual filling this position will be responsible for teaching the Hebrew language and Old Testament courses with a focus on the redemptive-historical unfolding of the covenant of grace and how Christ is revealed in the Old Testament. The successful candidate for this position will hold at least a Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) degree (a Th.M. or PhD are preferred) and will have five years of pastoral experience. He must subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity or the Westminster Confession of Faith. The successful candidate will be a member of a member church of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC). Learn about the seminary at www.dhrbs.org. Interested individuals should contact Mr. Donald Hoekstra by e-mail at donhoekstraurc@gmail.com.


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