
October 25, 2013 News

Fourth Annual Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary Lecture Series

“Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today”
Fourth Annual Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary Lecture Series
January 16–18, 2014

The Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary is pleased to invite interested persons to a conference exploring various topics related to the manner in which the Scriptures are to be interpreted by Reformed people in our present day. The conference, taking place during the day on January 17 and 18, will feature speakers from the Theological University of the Reformed Churches in Kampen, the Netherlands, and from the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary and will be directed towards officebearers and those trained in theology. The public is invited to attend two free public lectures (no registration required) on Thursday and Friday evenings, January 16 and 17.

For further information see the seminary website.

John van Popta
Canadian Reformed Church
Burlington, Ontario


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