
January 08, 2014 News

2013 Thank Offering Report

To: The sessions and congregations of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Re: Rejoicing in the 2013 Thank Offering!

Dear brethren:

Thank you for your participation in Thank Offering 2013, “Treasure in Jars of Clay.” We praise our triune God—Father, Son, and Spirit—that $769,325 has been received through the end of the year.

We also rejoice in the wonderful giving to Worldwide Outreach to close the 2013 year. The final WWO total received was $3,858,433, which exceeded the 2013 goal of $3,695,000 by $163,433. The Committee on Christian Education received 103.1% of its 2013 request, the Committee on Foreign Missions received 104.6% of its 2013 request, and the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension received 104.7% of its 2013 request.

Additional Thank Offering receipts are expected in the next few weeks. If we can push toward our stated goal of $850,000, that will give us a good start as we head into 2014.

The generosity seen through such giving in support of the ministries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is deeply appreciated.

Please pray for the work of the committees, and particularly the men and women, laboring for Christ, which your Worldwide Outreach offerings support.

Yours in Christ,

Danny E. Olinger
General Secretary of the Committee on Christian Education


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