
October 14, 2014 News

New Brochure Available!

The colorful and attractive pamphlet “Christ Proclaims a Better Way” is now available for use in evangelism and outreach. It is a brief introduction to the gospel and the OPC. Prepared by home missionaries and the Committee on Home Missions, it is intended for wide distribution. It was designed to replace the pamphlet “Get to Know Us Better,” which has been in print (with revision) for nearly twenty-five years (and which will continue to be available for a time).

This pamphlet is available in packets of 100, and is now available to order in the OPC store for $10.00 apiece. For orders of ten or more packets, the cost drops to $8.00 per packet. “Christ Proclaims a Better Way” is also available as a free download (high resolution for printing, medium resolution for reading on electronic devices) in PDF.


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