
January 09, 2015 News

Reformed in America Conference

Good Shepherd OPC (11688 Mill Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio) on February 6–7 (Friday evening-Saturday afternoon) is hosting “Reformed in America,” a conference with Dr. Alan Strange (OPC minister and professor at Mid-America Reformed Seminary) and Dr. Darryl Hart (OPC elder and professor at Hillsdale College). Dr. Strange will present three lectures on “The Tumultuous Beginnings of American Presbyterianism,” “Politics and the Pulpit,” and “Unity Without Union—Beyond Acronyms.” Dr. Hart will lecture on “The Challenge of Americanism,” “Kuyper and Machen—Models of Reformed Witness,” and “Anti-Modernism.” The conference will end with a time of Q&A. Registration is free. For more information and to sign up to attend, please visit http://www.eventbrite.com/e/reformed-in-america-tickets-15156557672.

Please email Pastor Chris Malamisuro (cmalamisuro@gmail.com) for promotional materials or if you have any questions.


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