
April 20, 2015 News

MTIOPC Offers Summer Courses

This summer the Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church offers a new course, A Greek Refresher, to help pastors to preach with sound exegesis. Newcomers and those well established in the OPC would benefit from OPC History, which helps students to articulate what they believe about the OPC’s identity.

OP elder and associate professor of Classics at Calvin College, Dr. David C. Noe, seeks to refresh and expand his students’ grasp of Koine Greek. Students will improve their grasp of syntax, expand their vocabulary, and strengthen their sight-reading skills.

Associate professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, OP Historian John Muether will teach the OPC’s history, character and commitments, surveying Presbyterianism, then focusing on the OP.

Registration deadline is Monday, June 1. Classes begin Monday, June 8 with online assignments. A mandatory Intensive Training will be held at the OPC administrative offices in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, from 8 a.m. Tuesday, August 18 through noon on Thursday, August 20.

Tuition is free for OP pastors, licentiates and men under care. OP elders pay $50 and non-OP men pay $100 for tuition. All students pay a $50 registration fee. For information, contact Pat Clawson, MTIOPC coordinator, at 215-935-1023 or pat.clawson@opc.org.

Applications are available here.


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