
November 03, 2016 News

Thank Offering 2016

To: Pastors and Sessions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Dear Fathers and Brothers:

The theme of the 2016 Thank Offering for the Worldwide Outreach ministries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is “Abounding in Hope” from Romans 15:13. The goal this year is to raise $1,000,000 through the Thank Offering for the ministries of Foreign Missions, Home Missions, and Christian Education.

Please promote the Thank Offering through prayer, sermons, and Sunday School lessons on Romans 15, and special events such as a Thank Offering banquet or Thanksgiving Day service. Meeting the goal for the Thank Offering is essential for the Committees to go forward with their planned ministries in 2017.

You will be receiving one or more Thank Offering posters, four sets of bulletin inserts, and remittance envelopes sent out by October 3 by the staff at the OPC Administrative Building. We suggest that the bulletin inserts be distributed on the four Lord’s Days prior to the collection of the Thank Offering. For example, if your collection is planned for Sunday, November 27, begin the distribution of the bulletin inserts on the Lord’s Day of October 30. The remittance envelopes should be included with the fourth bulletin insert. If you have not received the materials by Monday, October 17, please contact Janet Gregson (phone 215-935-1024) or e-mail janet.gregson@opc.org.

We thank you for your faithful support of the ministries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

In Christ,

Danny E. Olinger

General Secretary of the Committee on Christian Education on behalf of the General Secretaries of the OPC


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