
March 30, 2017 News

MTIOPC Summer 2017 Classes Announced

OPC pastors, licentiates, men under care of a presbytery, and elders: Join the first class of students for two new courses: Reformed Evangelism and A Hebrew Refresher. Brush up on your Greek or learn the historic identity of the OPC within the ecclesiastical world. Enroll today for a course from the Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (MTIOPC). Deadline is May 30, 2017.

Classes begin on June 1, 2017 for the following courses:

  • A Greek Refresher, taught by Dr. David C. Noe
  • A Hebrew Refresher, taught by the Rev. Dr. Matthew H. Patton
  • OPC History, taught by Mr. John R. Muether
  • Reformed Evangelism, taught by the Rev. John S. Shaw and the Rev. Dr. Eric B. Watkins

A mandatory Intensive Training will be held August 15–17. Travel to Grace Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio, on August 14.

Applications are available at opc.org/cce/MTI.html


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