
August 09, 2017 News

French Reformation Conference

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Covenant OPC in Vandalia, Ohio, would like to invite you and your congregation to a special Reformation Conference on Friday–Saturday September 29–30.

The purpose of this conference is to tell the story of the French Protestant reformers (Huguenots) and hear their story of faithfulness amid great persecution. We hope to make these stories practical by thinking about what we can learn from these saints for our own present situation.

We have two outstanding speakers coming, both of whom are world-class experts in the French Reformation: Bill Edgar from Westminster Theological Seminary and Glenn Sunshine from Central Connecticut State University. Both share our Reformed convictions and both have deep pastoral sensibilities. They are gifted communicators who will be targeting their lectures for a broad church-going audience.

We see this event as an opportunity to partner together for the furtherance of the gospel. Please consider promoting this event in your churches.

To see the poster, click here.

This conference is free of charge and open to all (no registration necessary). Please come and be encouraged!

Matthew Patton, pastor
Covenant OPC, Vandalia, Ohio


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