
October 26, 2017 News

Columbus, Ohio

Senior Associate Pastor

Grace Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio is searching for a Senior Associate Pastor to become an integral part of the ministerial shepherding of Grace Church. The successful candidate will labor to enhance the growth and health of God’s kingdom. He will provide counseling and discipleship, strong leadership, officer leadership development, preaching, teaching and coordination and/or execution of administrative duties. The position will be overseen by Session while reporting regularly to the Senior Pastor.

Please forward a cover letter explaining why you are interested in this position and a copy of your Ministry Information Form (MIF) with any questions or comments you may have to Mr. Doug Hedges at ddouglashedges@gmail.com.

Junior Associate Pastor

Grace Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio is searching for a Junior Associate Pastor to augment the ministerial shepherding of Grace Church. The successful candidate will labor to enhance the growth and health of God’s kingdom. He will provide teaching, preaching, counseling and discipleship to the congregation including youth and college/career young people. He will provide initiative in leading college outreach and short-term missionary opportunities involving members from the congregation. He will also participate in the coordination and/or execution of administrative duties in support of the Senior Pastor and Senior Associate Pastor. The position will be overseen by Session while reporting regularly to the Senior Pastor.

Please forward a cover letter explaining why you are interested in this position and a copy of your Ministry Information Form (MIF) with any questions or comments you may have to Mr. Doug Hedges at ddouglashedges@gmail.com.


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