
January 01, 2018 News

2018 Devotional Begins Today

For 2018 the OPC website presents the devotional Feed My Lambs: A Devotion for Each Day of the Year by Henry T. Vriesen. Here is the Preface:

Come, ye children, hearken unto me:
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Psalm 34:11

Reliance Publishing Company
Green Bay, Wis.

A Word to Parents

Your children—God has given them to you—are near and dear to you. You provide for their physical needs: food, shelter and raiment. You send them to school and are concerned about their welfare. You desire that they become honorable men and women. But how about the spiritual needs of the young souls that have been entrusted to you? Do they get the proper training in the eternal Bible truths? You may say, “We send them to Sunday school and to other religious instruction.” That is splendid, but you will admit that the time for religious instruction is short, too short for an adequate Christian training. What can be done to guard your children against the many temptations that confront them? What course should be taken to protect them against the dangers in the battle of life? Do you realize that you have a grave responsibility towards them? Do you know that our Lord at one time said, “Your children shall be your judges?” Many children will on that great day rise up against their parents that neglected their duty in regard to the proper Christian training.

“Feed My Lambs.” This word, spoken by the great Shepherd to Peter at the sea of Galilee, indicates the course that should be taken by Christian parents who have presented their children to the Lord in holy baptism. The author of the present volume has been an instructor of children for many years. He realizes the great importance of the eternal Bible truths. He holds that for the young mind the sublime narratives of the Old and New Testament are of the highest importance, and therefore he prepared these principal stories in their connected form. In addition to these great stories, choice selections from the psalms, the prophets and the epistles are offered—366 devotions with Bible words as titles. The pictures used in this volume have been restricted to actual views of the Bible Lands. Since prayer is essential for devotion, a short series of prayers has been appended, and the use of the same is recommended.

When shall these devotions be used? That is for the parents to decide. We suggest that a fixed time be set, perhaps at the breakfast table or in connection with the evening meal, when the members of the family are present. Set apart ten or fifteen minutes each day for reverent fellowship with God and with one another. May the Lord Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, bless the use of this volume to his glory and to the spiritual growth of his people!


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