
January 07, 2018 News

Pre-pub Discount on Trinity Psalter Hymnal

Great Commission Publications is offering a pre-publication 15% discount offer from December 4 to February 23 on the Trinity Psalter Hymnal in case lots of 20. The regular price for the pew edition is $23. The discounted price is $19.55 (USD).

Trinity Psalter Hymnal will be available in burgundy with gold lettering.  The size of the volume will be approximately the same as the Revised Trinity Hymnal.

Trinity Psalter Hymnal accompanist edition will also be pre-publication discounted 15% from its $45 retail price to $39.25 (USD)

Ordering Details:
Customer Service Contact: Beth Myers
Phone: (800) 695-3387 or (770) 831-9084
Email: customer.service@gcp.org

The target shipping date is April 30, 2018. Pre-publication orders will be placed “on hold” and not invoiced until shipment is made. Shipping costs are extra. We encourage all churches to pay with checks rather than credit cards.

Free shipping is available for those churches that desire to pick up their orders at the OPC General Assembly held in Wheaton, Illinois, June 11–15, 2018. When ordering, please tell Beth that you will pick up at Wheaton.


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