
March 22, 2018 News

2018 Kalamazoo Conference

Community Presbyterian Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan is excited to be planning the 2018 Faith & Life Conference with Immanuel Fellowship Church (URC). This year's conference will focus on the Mission of the Church. We'd love to pack the house for this event and would be delighted if you could share the information with your church members and guests. Here is a suggested bulletin announcement.

What is the mission of the church? Without a clear answer to that question, it is easy to drift off course. Join co-hosts Community Presbyterian Church and Immanuel Fellowship Church (9AM–2PM, April 21 at 6015 WH Ave., Kalamazoo) as speakers Conrad Mbewe and Mika Edmondson encourage us to see the church as instrumental in our calling to Christian maturity, evangelism, and worship. The conference, including Chick-fil-A lunch, is free. Registration is appreciated at www.kalamazoocpc.org/faithandlife/.

To view the conference flyer, click here.

Jonathan Landry Cruse
Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church
814.932.6630 | kalamazoocpc.org
2131 Alamo Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49006


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