
January 11, 2019 News

Annual Statistical Report Forms Available

To: clerks of session and others

Dear brothers,

Please find attached my annual letter requesting statistical reports from every church and mission work, along with the form to use for your report(s). If you are not the person responsible for preparing a statistical report, please let me know. The form is attached in both Excel and PDF formats. If you use the PDF version, just fill it in by hand and mail it to me.

If your session has oversight of a mission work whose statistics are not included in your church’s report, send a separate report for the mission work.

Please send me your report no later than February 16 this year to enable me to meet my General Assembly deadline with a high quality report. Often I receive only half of the reports by the requested date, which can make it difficult to meet my deadline several weeks later. Please send your report on time.

Contact me if you have questions about any of this. I can be reached most easily by e-mail at brown.1@opc.org.

Thank you, and may the Lord bless you in your labors in the church.

Sincerely in Christ,

Luke E. Brown
OPC Statistician
Phone: 215-628-9729
E-mail: Brown.1@opc.org

Sincerely in Christ,


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